Sunday, 9 November 2014

Hello, hello. It has been a while!

I think I am writing this entry mostly for my brother who always reminds me to update this blog. I really enjoy blogging but I tend to get incredibly lazy. Especially with Twitter and Instagram, it is so much easier and less time-consuming to post micro updates instead of one big weekly post.

Either way, I've been quite busy but the good kind (I think!). Work is very stressful and (emotionally) demanding sometimes, but it's also rewarding. I like that with the kind of work I do, I can really have a positive impact on the people surrounding me (if I do it right!). I don't want to talk about work too much on here so I'll end this saying it's been a steep learning curve so far and I have both good and bad days. But I think that's normal and most people experience this with their job!

Weekends are so much more fun to talk about! I have really been enjoying my days off as I usually just pick a random place somewhere in Tokyo I haven't been to yet and go to explore the local shops and restaurants in that area. I'm pretty sure I easily walk 5-10km every time I leave the house on weekends (which is sadly the only form of exercise I am getting right now, but it's better than nothing for now). Food-wise I've found some awesome cafes, especially for lunch- I kind of want to make a separate post about all the food places I've come across so far which I would recommend. 

Despite the fact my Instagram is full of cakes and dessert in general, I feel like I have been making quite good food choices overall. Monday - Friday I often manage to get at least 4 of my 5 a day (if not all 5 on good days!) as I have discovered "Happy Salada", a salad delivery service for lunch. Luckily they deliver to my work place for free which is awesome! All salads are customisable so I've been enjoying having caesar salads with avocado, cranberries and etc during my lunch breaks at work.

Tomorrow I'm already back in the office and I have a busy week ahead with a heavy focus on training this week. For most of this week I will actually be going to a different office (for said training purposes) so I imagine time will fly with the new environment and new people to meet. Fingers crossed the next weekend will be here in the blink of an eye again! Also, all photos above are from this weekend. For more detailed descriptions check out my Instagram. :)


  1. You post the most amazing food photos! I need those cakes in my life! T__T

    Re: Work - starting a new job always has it's ups and downs, and it certainly takes a while before you shake off the 'new' feeling and start to feel more confident with work.

    1. Kip<3 Thank you always for your sweet comments :3 And yeah, it's definitely going to take another while to shake off the 'new kid' feeling (maybe it'll become easier when they hire some new people too, haha) but yeah, at least every day is still exciting! xD
