Saturday 27 September 2014

Trip down to Kyushu

On Wednesday this week I came back from my trip down to Kyushu to see some friends, mostly in and around Kumamoto and Fukuoka. It was nice seeing old faces again before I start work next week but I might have been a little too ambitious by traveling down only 2 days after having arrived in Tokyo. I feel like I've spent the majority of last week just traveling on trains, busses and planes. Wednesday night when I came back to my flat in Tokyo, I'm pretty sure I crashed within an hour and slept for a solid 12 hours.

The trip was still worth it though! I went on a road trip with one of my friends from Kumamoto and also got to enjoy a few very, very nice dinners including some very traditional "bbq" (see above) in a tiny restaurant somewhere in the mountains.

Back in Tokyo, I finally went to see my workplace and met my colleagues for the first time. Everyone seemed really kind and it was nice having lunch with one of my co-workers and my manager. I absolutely love the area around where I work too; so many fancy restaurants, brand shops and tall buildings, it automatically makes you feel more motivated and $$-driven in a way. You can't not think of all the shopping there is available in Tokyo...!

Today then I just felt like going for a walk and getting some fresh air, so I headed to one of the many parks in Tokyo. I'm still avoiding parks like Ueno and Yoyogi because of the mosquito issue (actually, they might still be closed, I'm not even sure) but this traditional garden was perfect to catch the last few remaining sun rays of the day. :)

Thursday 18 September 2014

Hello from Tokyo

 After an 11 hour flight and some more hours spent traveling in general, I arrived in Tokyo yesterday morning! My first day wasn't much fun to be honest as I was really tired and jetlagged, and having to carry massive bags (which weighed a ton) throughout central Tokyo didn't help. I spent most of the day exploring my neighbourhood and taking some pictures. Also, raiding the 100-yen shop nearby with some 'essentials'. Sometimes I think 100 yen shops are basically made for foreigners who have just arrived and are trying to settle in. While I find that in most 1€ shops that I've visited, for example, they mostly carry junk, in Japan you can find pretty much everything you might ever need. Cutlery, general kitchen utensils, bathroom and cleaning products, storage options, food, clothing essentials, more homeware.. and etc.

So today I went to get my address registered in the nearby ward office. The area around the ward office was really nice with a little park closeby and what I assumed were shrines on top of a hill. (I'll check them out next time). I had to get a bit more essentials shopping done so I headed to Ikebukuro next, which is undoubtedly one of my favourite spots in Tokyo. It feels so buzzy and exciting, especially after it's gone dark. I'm still not completely over my jetlag and my feet hurt quite a bit from running around all day again, but what I noticed today is that I really, really like the fact that a traditional Japanese park can be right by a lively shopping street or awfully high skyscrapers. It feels like 'old' meets 'new' and even 'Japanese' meets 'Western' at times. 

I've definitely got the feeling I can get used to life around here.

Sunday 14 September 2014

The Cat Edit

People who follow me on Instagram know that I tend to take photos of Merlin a lot when I'm home. I only see him once or twice a year really, but then the space on my phone tends to fill up with photos and videos rather quickly. I've tried not to upload too many of my favourites this summer and instead make a little blog post about him.

I'll start by saying that I'm most definitely a cat person.

I love dogs too- we have a Golden Retriever called Nicky as well- but cats are simply much easier to take care of, I like that they have their 'own lives' and are quite independent, but still get attached to you nonetheless. One of the things I like about Merlin so much is the fact that, no matter the amount of time he doesn't see me, when I get back home he'll instantly recognise me and follow me around all day. I find the presence of a pet really relaxing and comforting in a way. When I had my wisdoom tooth out the other day, I spent the majority of my day watching films and it was so nice to have this little fur ball purring next to you. Merlin really is the best company you could wish for when you're in bed on a rainy day with your laptop and a cup of tea.

Merlin is really special to me for so many reasons. We picked him up during a time of my life which wasn't easy for me, but I fully believe that having a pet around is a very healing experience. It might sound strange but I'm sure pet owners will understand. Even though it is my brother who takes care of all of ours pets mostly (and I am very grateful for that, not just because I have moved out 4+ years ago now), taking care of an animal can be a very rewarding experience.

Another thing I love about Merlin is how 'vocal' he is. He'll greet you when you walk in the door, follow you around meowing if he wants something (food/attention mostly!) but it's happened to me on several occasions now that especially when I wasn't feeling well, Merlin would hop onto my bed and start meowing at me as if asking, "What's wrong?". There's been so many incidents in which he made me feel better by just 'being there' and giving me the attention I needed.

I'm going to end this post with two more shots I took this week which I thought were really funny/cute. Let me know if any of you pet owners feel similarly about your favourites, and hopefully I didn't come across as too crazy!

Monday 8 September 2014

A Day Out In Graz

It's been so nice and sunny out you could think we're still in the middle of summer. I've had to spend a couple of days in bed last week because I had one of my wisdom teeth out (no need to be scared btw, the actual procedure was far, far from painful!) so I was really craving some fresh air yesterday and today. I went for a stroll around town with my mum both yesterday and today, but sadly yesterday I forgot to take my camera. Today I borrowed my mum's when we were out and about and the above are just a few of the shots I took.

I honestly like my hometown, Graz, a lot. It's got a bit of a Mediterranean flair and there's SO many unique cafes and restaurants to check out. One of my favourites is called Las Tapas; it's a Spanish place, and I've been going there for years. What I usually get is their patatas bravas with garlic dip and some grilled chicken skewers. I am also convinced that Austria does the best ice cream I've personally ever had- maybe because we're so close to Italy- but either way, Charlie Temmel is my favourite place to get a scoop or two. Though their scoops are so generous (and incredibly cheap with 90p per serving), you usually don't need more than one. 

It was kind of fun walking around with a camera and taking shots of all the places I've been to loads of times and pretty much know inside and out. Not having lived here for over 4 years now, I've really come to appreciate Graz. Lately I've counted myself quite lucky to have grown up in this beautiful town, and I'd happily recommend it to anyone visiting Austria!

For pictures from yesterday, feel free to check out my Instagram!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Since my flight date is coming closer and closer now (I leave in about a week), I've started to slowly but surely sort out my things which I'd like to take with me. The hardest bit is probably going to be deciding what shoes to take as I usually struggle to find a pair that fits in Japan.

Apart from clothes, shoes and beauty products, I also always take a handful (or more) of "personal items" with me. These are things I either picked up myself, or were given to me by friends and family which I consider precious and hold very dear. Sadly I'm quite limited with a luggage allowance of 23kg but thankfully, a lot of these things are actually very, very light. 

Letters, post cards, birthday and Christmas cards, farewell and good luck messages. It's probably silly and overly sentimental, but over the years I have collected so many lovely messages by friends that it is quite easy for me to feel at home and loved wherever I go. The handful I take with me I keep in the little case I got from Cath Kidston a while back.

This is only a small fraction of what I have collected over the years; the rest is carefully kept in boxes and drawers in my room at home. As useful and quick and convenient emails and texts are, I'm still a big fan of writing letters in general. I love receiving things in the mail and I find that a little card can really brighten your day. Walking around town and picking up little things here and there along with a pretty card or stationary is probably one of my favourite activities ever.

However, while I am all for telling people how much they mean to you and show them that you care because life is short and opportunities can pass in the blink of an eye, I have also come to realise that sometimes, things don't need to be said out loud or written down.

Sometimes you just know and they just know, and you know that they know and they know that you know and it's simply nice and comforting and makes me just as happy as any card, or gift, or whatever else you've got.

Friendship, and distance, is a curious thing.

Monday 1 September 2014

A Month Of New Beginnings

It's September! September and December are my two favourite months of the year. December, I love because Christmas is very special to me and I enjoy the weeks leading up to it almost as much as actual Christmas Day. I'll be the first to put up bits of decoration around the house, light up cinnamon scented candles, and walk around town simply enjoying the various illuminations. Though Christmas in Japan is very different and much less festive than what I am used to from home, I know Tokyo is going to have super pretty illuminations at the least. 

But let's come back to September first. The reason I've always enjoyed this month is because it sort of symbolises new beginnings for me. After the long summer break, I've always looked forward to going back to school or university in September, and it feels a bit weird to me that this year will be the first year in many, many that I'm not going to go back to classes.

September is when the days are starting to get cooler again, it's rainier and gives me more excuses to get all comfy with a cup of tea inside. Despite the fact I used to complain about the rain a lot while I lived in England, I've come to realise that I secretly enjoyed English weather a lot, because nothing really beats a hot drink, a cozy blanket and some Netflix while it's pouring it down outside...

Going to miss my little man when I move, d'aw.

With school starting in September, I've always had a good excuse to buy new pretty stationary too, as well as perhaps get a hair-cut or get that new piece for my wardrobe which I could wear on my 'first day back in school'. I always enjoyed seeing familiar faces again and September is usually when my motivation for the new term was at its peak. By November I usually felt a little worn out already, but then I had December to look forward to again.

Now, this year is going to be a little different. Instead of catching up with friends while complaining about the new class timetable, compare how little school work you've done over the summer and sit on your phone during the first few introductory classes, I'm going to be moving across the globe to start a new lifestyle and full-time employment for the first time in my life. I've been to Japan often enough at this point that without a doubt, in a way it will also feel like going "home", simply to another part of the world which is very dear to me.

But at the same time, it's going to be a change in pace for sure and there will be a lot of new experiences waiting for me. Waking up every day and putting on a suit before jumping on a crowded train in central Tokyo to go to work is very different from rolling out of bed occasionally at 10am to go to my first class at university, often wearing two different socks and forgetting my pencil case at home and having to borrow pens from classmates.

It's going to be challenging, but I'm so excited to be moving in about two weeks time and make all these new experiences. I feel lucky and blessed to be able to look back at my university life fondly and be grateful for the friendships I have made, the things I have learnt and the confidence I gained. Without doubt, all of these things are going to come in handy in the coming weeks. September, please treat me kindly this year, too. ♡