It's September! September and December are my two favourite months of the year. December, I love because Christmas is very special to me and I enjoy the weeks leading up to it almost as much as actual Christmas Day. I'll be the first to put up bits of decoration around the house, light up cinnamon scented candles, and walk around town simply enjoying the various illuminations. Though Christmas in Japan is very different and much less festive than what I am used to from home, I know Tokyo is going to have super pretty illuminations at the least.
But let's come back to September first. The reason I've always enjoyed this month is because it sort of symbolises new beginnings for me. After the long summer break, I've always looked forward to going back to school or university in September, and it feels a bit weird to me that this year will be the first year in many, many that I'm not going to go back to classes.
September is when the days are starting to get cooler again, it's rainier and gives me more excuses to get all comfy with a cup of tea inside. Despite the fact I used to complain about the rain a lot while I lived in England, I've come to realise that I secretly enjoyed English weather a lot, because nothing really beats a hot drink, a cozy blanket and some Netflix while it's pouring it down outside...
Going to miss my little man when I move, d'aw. |
With school starting in September, I've always had a good excuse to buy new pretty stationary too, as well as perhaps get a hair-cut or get that new piece for my wardrobe which I could wear on my 'first day back in school'. I always enjoyed seeing familiar faces again and September is usually when my motivation for the new term was at its peak. By November I usually felt a little worn out already, but then I had December to look forward to again.
Now, this year is going to be a little different. Instead of catching up with friends while complaining about the new class timetable, compare how little school work you've done over the summer and sit on your phone during the first few introductory classes, I'm going to be moving across the globe to start a new lifestyle and full-time employment for the first time in my life. I've been to Japan often enough at this point that without a doubt, in a way it will also feel like going "home", simply to another part of the world which is very dear to me.
But at the same time, it's going to be a change in pace for sure and there will be a lot of new experiences waiting for me. Waking up every day and putting on a suit before jumping on a crowded train in central Tokyo to go to work is very different from rolling out of bed occasionally at 10am to go to my first class at university, often wearing two different socks and forgetting my pencil case at home and having to borrow pens from classmates.
It's going to be challenging, but I'm so excited to be moving in about two weeks time and make all these new experiences. I feel lucky and blessed to be able to look back at my university life fondly and be grateful for the friendships I have made, the things I have learnt and the confidence I gained. Without doubt, all of these things are going to come in handy in the coming weeks. September, please treat me kindly this year, too. ♡