Sunday, 10 August 2014

Tokyo To-Do-List Part 1 (Beauty)

Lately I've spent a majority of my free time reading up on travel guides and various blogs on places to check out in and around Tokyo. I've been to Tokyo a couple of times already and have quite a few favourite spots myself (Odaiba!! On a beautiful day you can't beat the view) but I've never been there long enough to really check out the small cafes and restaurants which are usually not found on the main streets, or little shops which might be a little harder to find too.

My interests over the years have also changed (My 17-year-old self was much more interested in anime & manga than I am now, though that is not to say I'm not enjoying Sailor Moon Crystal to the fullest at the moment) so I've been noting down quite a few places related to beauty especially. So without further ado, two beauty related spots I can't wait to visit:

1. Etude House & Missha Stores in Shinjuku
I have never tried any Asian cosmetic brands because I wasn't really into beauty products much until perhaps 1 or 2 years ago. These days I like using Clinique and if I feel like splurging out, Origins or even YSL (the latter is definitely more a Christmas present to myself kind of splurge). I am also a huge fan of BB creams and it just so happens that my current one is about to run out. I'm trying to use it quite sparingly these days so I don't have to buy a new bb cream until I get to Japan, because after having done some research, I really want to try a Korean brand. There's a lot of good things about Etude House and Missha online, and turns out both opened stores in Shinjuku Station in recent years and I'm really excited to check them out ♪ Looking at this article here, the store layout of Etude House looks super cute too.

The reason I really want to check this out is because it's not just a store selling Shiseido products, but rather a 3 storey beauty mecca. There's even a way to try out their products without actually.. trying them out; it's all through computer simulations. It sounds really fun and even though I doubt I'll be buying much until I've got my first couple of paychecks secured, I'd love to visit this place and perhaps even treat myself to their "beauty boost bar" or facial treatment courses.

I've also been keeping my eyes open for other bits and pieces of Asian cosmetics which seem to get recommended a lot. I'll probably be posting my own reviews once I've had a chance to give them a try. I'm also thinking of doing a review post of the haircare series by Lush I've been using lately- again something I probably wouldn't purchase myself because they're not exactly cheap, but my mum originally got the products for herself and I'm just kind of... taking advantage of that at the moment, ha. ^^

Saturday, 2 August 2014

An Update On Things

I really suck at this blogging thing, I can't believe 2 months have already passed since my last entry. I feel like nothing much has changed since the old Livejournal days in that aspect.

However, exciting things have been going on and I'm very happy to be able to (officially) say I'll be moving back to Japan in September. My 就職活動 aka job hunting has been rather tough- I always thought graduate schemes and/or jobs which require 5+ interviews were a myth! - but no, they exist, and I'm more than lucky and excited I managed to pass all rounds for my top choice of companies to work for.

I've been wanting to go back to Japan for a while now- actually, probably ever since I left Fukuoka around this time last year. I loved living in Fukuoka. I had great friends there, a nice place to live in and the city is absolutely beautiful. I thought about getting my Master's in Fukuoka for a while, but it's just too expensive especially when you are in between majors. It's just too much money to spend on something you're not 100% sure about, or have no real work experience in. Studying a field and working in one are very different by the looks of things. 

Thus, I decided to look into possible career options instead. In all honesty, continuing my studies just didn't seem right and I really felt like I wanted to start making my own money at this point. Looking into career options wasn't a quick task, but knowing what I didn't want helped narrow down my choices a lot (teaching English, a stereotypical Japanese company) and left me with few options, but one of these options proved to be for a company which I believe fits my personality and ambitions perfectly. A match made.

This week then, I had to pack up my things and leave what I called home for the past ~4 years. I'd come to feel very attached to Liverpool over the past couple of years and especially saying goodbye to my best friend was so much harder for me than I thought it would be. (Insert cheesy line here about how it wasn't a goodbye, but rather a 'See you later'... but even knowing this didn't help much when I had to get onto my train.) 

The plan though is to hopefully make enough $$$ in the future to easily fly back and forth between Europe and Japan. ^^;;;

Right now, I'm just enjoying being home and the security of having a job lined up while I wait for my Visa to be processed. I've also started looking into possible flats in Tokyo which aren't too far from where I'll be working. It's so exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time to move to a new city as big as Tokyo; Fukuoka so far has been the biggest city I've ever lived in, and I've never had to deal with rush hour or anything like that before. In Fukuoka, I just jumped on my bike when I wanted to go out. I feel like trying to cycle in Tokyo could potentially be life-endangering. I'll report back once I have found somewhere to live anyways! ^^